There are many people who might need the digital signature for filing online form and transaction, but most of them don’t know that what exactly the digital signature is and what are components of this encrypted file. The biggest myth about DSC is that people consider electronic signature and Digital Signature same, which is absolutely wrong. Well, electronic signature is the copy of the physical signature which has been scanned; on the other hand, a digital signature is an encrypted file created by certifying controller authority (CCA) and it is used to authenticate the identity of the person. Digital Signature Mart is a renowned Digital Signature agency in Delhi and it is an authorized body to create a digital signature certificate for the different purpose. This popular DSC provider is an official partner of Capricorn CA and it has been authorized to deal with direct customers. This type of signature protects the identity and security of the person and makes certain that various transaction and online document submission cannot be operated unless the authorized DSC user authenticates the documents and transaction through DSC.
Now in many government applications, it is mandatory to use a digital signature certificate. This signature is provided to people and it is used in many applications but one need to know that what components present in Digital Signature Certificate are. Well, it must contain the name of the individual or company that represents the signature. This is a very crucial and initial step in making the signature digitalized since it is the digital identity of that person who is holding the sign. Other than these details, the contact number, email ID, or any other address that will help to identify the person. Digital Signature Mart is the number one portal for digital signature reseller, partner, distributor, franchise, so one can easily buy DSC online through this portal at very economical fees. Anyone who is interested in working in the digital signature business can associate with Digital Signature Mart. By associating with Digital Signature Mart, you can grow your business to the optimal level. This is unquestionable that we are making more than 100-150 DSC for company and individuals as per the requests. We deal in all over India and we are the fast approval DSC provider because once the applicant submits their essential documents and once it gets verified by the Certifying controller authority (CCA).
Digital Signature also contains a public which is considered as the secret identification number and it is the component of the verification procedure. The signature also contains information about the expiry date of the public key. In short, the validity is understood by the simple term where it is indicated that this digital signature is valid for which period. The other elements included in the digital signature are the serial for digital identification. The significance of the digital signature certificate is not hidden by anyone. In fact, the government has made it mandated the use of DSC for different applications. Earlier filing for tendering is not a transparent process, but with the help of e-tendering it has become easy to file tender and use of DSC is applied in this application. Similarly when you need to file Income tax return filing online, e-ticketing online, trademark filling, the digital signature for DGFT and many more is applicable and it shows the importance of digital signature in most of the government application these days.