Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate is secure & easy to use. It allows many different people to sign and send documents in their places without worrying about security or intellectual property.
Do you have any idea to use an electronic USB token to encrypt or sign your documents digitally? It also includes a certificate containing the user’s detailed information and facts of the certificate provider.
It provides security in the transmission of classified documents over an unsecured network. With the rise of the global digital enterprise, transactions and documents may need to be signed by many people worldwide. Customers can sign documents using zero technology directly from their desktop or web browser.
Copyright: Copyright law is at the heart of protecting artists; writers from plagiarism. They also provide rights for legal distribution & use and provide a class 3 digital signature certificate to protect work from unauthorized sharing and imitating.
- E-auction: There are many kinds of media, in the online auction, including in-person auctions, social media platforms, and online classified sites. Class 3 DSC is one of them that attach buyers and sellers. E-Auctions have made traditionally costly and time-consuming auction processes economical and efficient in the digital world
- E-procurement: E-Procurement services offer numerous conveniences, such as contracting products and services on the internet. E-procurement is the acquisition of goods or services between a company and a consumer, or a government and an enterprise. With this type of procurement, there are similar benefits to those experienced with traditional procurement methods.
- E-bidding: So you want to participate in an e-bidding for some government or private organization? The answer is simple, just secure DSC Level 2. The application of the highest level of security with class 3 DSC is available to participate in an e-bid. If you’re looking for a public auction, this is the way to go!
- Trademark e-filing, design, and Patent: You can use your logo, motto, design, invention, or contact information anywhere in the world. You don’t even need a patent or trademark registration because the CGPDT seal prevents you from losing your work.
- E-Tendering: DSC3 is one of the most trustworthy and extremely protected transactions. E-tendering is one of the major safe transactions in the business segment in India. Nowadays, we have a lot of tools that make it easier to manage tenders electronically. These well-designed tools will help reduce automating manual processes and improve transparency between parties involved, and class 3 DSC is one of them.
Digital signature technology is a security tool that can regularly help businesses stand out from their competition. It verifies all user documents in a single process without fear of forgery and duplication. It also enables the users to select and approve their passwords and codes. Digital Signature Mart offers class 3 digital certificates at competitive rates and allows businesses to increase their security levels.